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Mayme Carmichael School Organization, Inc.
"Preserving the Heritage of the African American Community"
The puprose or purposes for which the corporation is organized is to preserve the heritage of the African American community, promote education, and support the development of the Historical Black School location, which is now Carmichael Park, in Oliver Springs, Tennessee.
The Mayme Carmichael School Organization, Inc. (MCSO), is a nonprofit organization, (501) (c) (3), in Oliver Springs, Tennessee. The town of Oliver Springs is divided into three counties: Anderson, Morgan, and Roane Counties.
In partnership with the Town of Oliver Springs, we are working to develop Carmichael Park in Oliver Springs, Tennessee The park’s site is the historical landmark of a one-room Colored school and is located at 242 Fritts Road.
Board of Directors
David Benjamin
Alma Fletcher
Edward Jackson
Jean Hopper King
Kelvin Knaff
Joseph Van Hook
Julia H. Daniel
Ronalda Dooley
Faye M. Curd
Phyllis Knaff
Lydia Brooks
Assistant Secretary
Honorary Board of Directors
Representative Kent Calfee
Senator Randy McNally
Representative John D. Ragan
Senator Ken Yager
Dr. Chris Whaley
Charles E. Boyd
Curtis Fritts
Calvin Knaff
Advisory Committee Members
James Cain
Finance Committee
Marvin Anderson
Lynn Christ
Faye M.Curd
Charles Elmore
Phyllis Knaff
Shirley McConico
Ross Dillard
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